Body-Mind Yoga



Body-Mind Yoga

The field of Yoga is very large and in that field are many variations to the practice of Yoga. Young and athletic people like the vigorous practices of Hatha Yoga while others, as they go through life look for a practice to rejuvenate their mind and body while others will look for a practice that might reveal the true nature of reality.

The Yoga taught at Raja Yoga tends to be more for improving one’s physical and mental health and also for anyone wishing to learn how to transcend the mind and achieve Yoga, I.E. Union with the highest reality.

Practices to achieve the goals outlined above include Jivan Tattva exercises to increase the life-force energy in our being. Yoga postures, or Asana, Pranayama, or Yoga way of breathing, learning to withdraw the mind from the senses, learning how the mind functions and how to focus or hold the mind with one thought, leading to a meditative state which is then followed by union and bliss. Regular weekly practice of these disciplines will lead to a healthy lifestyle  and canresult in a long and happy life.